Verusa Holding
We are working “With the hope that our journey towards a more sustainable world will make a meaningful contribution… “
We direct our resources, especially renewable energy, to different sectors, from venture capital investments to information technologies, from mining to cellulose and steel structure production. We closely follow the innovations and developments in the fields we operate, and support all kinds of ideas and projects that will create added value for the future while adapting to changing market conditions.
We focus on absolute commitment to human, society, environment, ethical and corporate values in all our operations and aim to further our strong position in the sector with innovative practices.
Verusa Holding Sürdürülebilirlik

- 30 July 2021 Verusa Holding A.Ş. distributed dividends.
- 21 May 2021 Application by our participation Aldem Çelik Endüstri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. regarding the amendments about Articles of Incorporation for IPO was approved by the Capital Market Board of Turkey.
- 16 April 2021 The total number of mine sites of our 100% subsidiary Galata Altın İşletmeleri A.Ş. has reached to 20.
- 25 March 2021 Enda Enerji Holding A.Ş., with a capital of TL 345,477,486, of which we are the largest shareholder with a total direct and indirect share of 26.82% has gained public company status subject to the Capital Market Law with more than 500 partners.
- 16 March 2021 The total number of mine sites of our 100% subsidiary Standard Boksit işletmeleri A.Ş. has reached to 25.